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How Haters Grow You


2024 | Season 1 | EpisodeĀ 54
Have you ever had a hater? Especially on socials? Kim and Kerry are in the Buckets & Boom Gates Studio discussing what they've learned from haters over the years, and how to grow that thicker skin that keeps you from wearing your feelings on your sleeves and getting hurt all the time.
  • The best reaction is to be indifferent
  • It can be encouraging if you can get past your feelings
  • Some older people are just as volatile as when they were younger
  • We don't have to respond to everything straight away
  • Sometimes looking too successful encourages that kind of behavior
There's a lot of times when you are writing a book or recording a podcast and someone will say something unkind. We can't control all the humans in the world. But it is an opportunity for you to grow.
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To connect with Kerry Zarb and find out more about the bean$ in your business, you can go straight to her website and youā€™ll find her there!
And to connect and find out more about Kim or how to create a sexy business for a sexy life, you can reach her and the My Sexy Business Team atĀ 
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