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5 Reasons We Love Kajabi As Our Website Builder (And 3 Ways To Get Started)

all in one platform empowerment kajabi listening well security tnt workshop website builder website foundation works together Oct 22, 2024
Someone reading a book. Computer screen that says website. Text on top says 5 Reasons We Love Kajabi As Our Website Builder. Text on bottom says And 3 Ways To Get Started
You’re ready to build your business website. Congratulations! It's an exciting part of the entrepreneurial adventure. 
Building your own website for your business can be an empowering process. However, it can also be time-consuming, frustrating, and expensive if you aren’t careful about which platform you choose to build it on.
Introducing Kajabi…
“I became a raving fan and spent many years using the platform, and we still use the platform.” Kim White
Kajabi is the ultimate website-building platform for any online business. It’s an all-in-one platform. It’s professional. It’s user-friendly… the list goes on. 
Here are 5 reasons we love using Kajabi in the My Sexy Business Team, and 3 ways you can get started with Kajabi for your business website.

The Kajabi Team Listens

“14 years ago I met the founders of Kajabi at a conference. They were starting a new website platform called Kajabi. I felt so unheard by techies who just didn't care what I had to say. That's why Kajabi was so attractive to me.” Kim White
Their goal has always been to help content creators and business owners not stress about the website side of business.
And they were listening. They kept listening. They added useful settings and tools. They upped their game to make things so accessible for business owners
“They kept adjusting and changing until the point that I could build my website myself on their platform.” Kim White
When you are building your own website, you want to know that there is a team behind the scenes that cares about you and your business. 
The Kajabi team has proved over 14 years that they are listening and that’s why we love using Kajabi for our business website.  

Kajabi Is All About Empowerment

The Kajabi customer service is out of this world. 
“It's nice to have someone empowering us by showing us the ropes, how to use this site, what tricks we can use, what buttons do what.” Jill Olish
With a lot of website platforms (especially the free ones), you have to figure everything out on your own. You might save some money initially, but think about all the time you lose along the way. 
“Their customer service would keep me coming back because you definitely don't feel like you're being ignored.” Kim White

Kajabi Has Excellent Security

Something most entrepreneurs learn along the website-building journey is that website plug-ins are one of the easy ways for your website to be hacked. 
Not sure what plug-ins are? 
When you are using a free website builder, you only get given a very basic template. And if you want anything extra like a newsletter sign-up, a shopping cart, or an online course landing page you need to install a plug-in.
Besides the fact that you sometimes have to pay for these plug-ins, they need to be updated regularly for your website to work, and they’re an easy way in for hackers. 
Kajabi is an all-in-one platform and doesn’t use plug-ins which is another reason we love Kajabi. 

Everything Works Together In Kajabi

“The really awesome part is that the back end stuff is all connected inside Kajabi and they take care of that. You don't have to go to a whole lot of different sites.” Jill Olish
Think about all the different segments of your business. And then think about how many different websites you use for each of those segments.
Do you have a podcast, a YouTube channel, an email list, a blog, a community, a livestream, events, a calendar, coaching calls, online courses or an online store? 
It can be a nightmare to try to link and sync everything in one place. And it’s not just about linking them. They also need to be able to work together as each segment or platform updates.
“I also learned my lesson with having all these different programs that didn't work together and Kajabi solved that problem for me. Everything is already connected.” Kim White

Kajabi Is User-Friendly 

Kajabi sets you up to succeed because they have groupings of website pages that work together. You’ll be given a template and you can put things in where they need to go. 
The template will show you the space for a picture, a quote, or a list. Then you can just plug in the images and text you have. 
“I call that plug-and-play so I can get to playing instead of it being a long drawn out thing.” Kim White
When you experience the difference between what can happen with Kajabi versus any other website-building platform, it's a night and day difference.

3 Ways To Get Started With Kajabi

“I went from raving fan to raving affiliate and it's based on my experience with them. If I was not an affiliate, I'd be saying the exact same thing.” Kim White
Building a great website starts with the right foundation. No matter what platform you use, we want to help you get the right foundation for your website because we know how hard it is. The TNT website workshop is a free workshop for anyone on the website-building part of the entrepreneurial adventure! The date for the next workshop is in our website calendar.
Are you ready to build your website on Kajabi? Maybe you’re just starting out and don’t have tons of stuff to put on your platform yet? Then start with something simple like the Kick Starter program to get your business website on Kajabi. (It comes with a 30 day trial.)
Website Royalty is a space that is absolute gold for entrepreneurs. If you sign up for Kajabi and use our affiliate link, you get a subscription to our community where you can come and ask questions every single week. 
“I wish I'd had this. That's why we created this. I wish I'd had someone to ask the questions and get help along the way.” Kim White
If you are a business owner who is coaching, building a community, or podcasting, and all the different things that go along with your business are separated out into multiple places, add those places up. 
You could be saving hundreds of dollars (and a whole lot of time and energy) by having them all in one place.
“One client is saving $800 a month by just using Kajabi to run all her things.” Kim White
If you don't have a website yet... don't try to do 27 different things. Get the simple done - the foundational part. 
“Both courses (TNT and Website Royalty) help you to best utilize Kajabi and design a website that works for your audience.” Jill Olish
Our Groundwork Brigade is the perfect community for entrepreneurs doing the right things in the right order to grow a business that you love, and doesn’t own you. 
It’s a safe space to learn how to build a relational business using irresistible marketing strategies, tailored to your individual needs, in a group setting, with lots of accountability, and support.
If you missed the conversation between Kim and Jill on their podcast Buckets and Boom Gates, you can catch it here. 
To connect and find out more about Kim or how to create a sexy business for a sexy life, you can reach her and the My Sexy Business Team at 
And to connect with Jill Olish go straight to her website and you’ll find her there!