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How To Choose Your Word Of The Year

business goals goal setting personal growth self-improvement word of the year Sep 02, 2024
New Years fireworks with text: How To Choose Your Word Of The Year
Can having a word of the year really make a difference? 
Yes. Yes. and YES! 
Choosing a word of the year can transform your entrepreneurial journey. 
It can help you achieve your business goals for the year. It keeps you working on your own self-improvement. And it has an effect on the whole trajectory of your business.  
It’s a word that has a lot of power over your year. It helps you stay focused when the curve balls come. It shows up in so many areas in your life, besides just business. And it speaks volumes to your personal growth all year long.  
If you haven’t got a word for the year yet, it’s definitely not too late. 
But  where do you start? If this word can be so influential, how do you choose a good word?  Here are 3 things to consider when choosing your word of the year. 

Follow Your Intuition

"What do you want your year to look like?" Kim White
Following your intuition is something entrepreneurs should practice all the time, but especially when choosing your word of the year. 
You know how important taking time for goal-setting is. How about having a date with yourself for word-setting? 
Slow down to just spend a little bit of time thinking about what you want your year to look like. Think about your business goals and personal growth.
Pay attention to the words you hear around you, the words you're reading, and the words that bubble up out of you. And have coffee with it while you’re thinking through different options.
You will find the right word. 
In the beginning, it might be harder to pick a word, so try not to get frustrated. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, the new year will excite you so much. You’ll feel almost giddy when it’s time to pick a new one. 

Take Your Time

Don't think you have to do it in 5 minutes. 
“There is no pressure. And no hard deadline is attached for me because I want it to come naturally, to bubble up.” Kerry Zarb
It would be very nice and neat to have your word picked by the 31st December so you can start the new year ready to tackle your business goals, but sometimes it’s not how this works. 
You can’t force your word to come bubbling up on a specific date. And you may have to be okay with choosing your word in January (or later). 
This word is going to have a big impact on your business and personal growth all year long, and beyond.  So choose your word carefully. Don't just quickly do it in one second on the fly so you can tick it off the list.

Choose A New Word Each Year

It might be tempting to skip the reflecting and goal-setting part and just carry on with the same word because of how meaningful your word becomes over the course of a year. It’s not hard to look back and see all the places it came up and made an impact. 
"When you spend a year with a word you become very attached to it." Kim White
But remember that choosing a new word does not mean you are moving on from the previous word.  You're not getting rid of your word for last year. You're adding to your own personal growth and to your entrepreneurial adventure. 
If you concentrate on something for a year, it gets engrained in you. All that growth and self-improvement works like muscle memory. 
You can keep that word up visually in a place where you can still see it because it probably will mean something really special to you in the years to come. 
So get excited to choose a new word each year that will continue to transform your business and you in the process.
So if you’re ready for exponential growth in your business and personal life, it’s time to setup that date with yourself. 
What do you want your year to look like? Remember to choose your word carefully. Take your time, and listen to what’s bubbling up inside of you. 
Our Groundwork Brigade is the perfect place to get motivated to try new things in your business and be encouraged by other entrepreneurs doing the same thing. 
It’s a community of entrepreneurs learning how to build a relational business using irresistible marketing strategies, tailored around your individual needs, in a group setting, with lots of accountability and support.
If you missed the conversation between Kim and Kerry on their podcast Buckets and Boom Gates, you can catch it here.
To connect and find out more about Kim or how to create a sexy business for a sexy life, you can reach her and the My Sexy Business Team at 
And to connect with Kerry Zarb go straight to her website and you’ll find her there!