How To Cope With Entrepreneurial Curve BallsĀ (3 Practical Habits)
Aug 05, 2024
Have you ever started a huge project on your entrepreneurial adventure, and then all of a sudden the curve balls start coming at you? Not just one, but multiple curve balls, from all different directions - trying to knock you off course or strike you out (to go with the sports metaphor).
The worst part is that these curve balls are so unexpected and that’s where their power seems to come from.
Learning how to cope with the curve balls is all part of the entrepreneurial adventure.
And the good news is that the curve ball doesn’t hold all the power. You have some power in your hands too.
So you don’t want to get struck out by that curve ball? Here are 3 practical things to do in your entrepreneurial journey when those unexpected business challenges pop up.
The Power Of Preparation
Can you be prepared for the curve balls? In a way, you can’t because they are usually the most unexpected things. But in a way you can prepare yourself.
So how do you prepare yourself for these completely random and badly timed curve balls?
Firstly, just know that they are coming and don't let yourself go flying into a panic.
“Things are going to happen whether you are an entrepreneur, have a 9 to 5, or stay at home.” Kim White
So start preparing yourself now. What are you going to do in that situation when all the business challenges and life challenges start to happen, and you're so busy?
Know that you are resilient. Things are going to happen in this life. It gets hard, and it can be harder when you're on an adventure that's going to impact other people and you in a big way.
The Power Of Pressing Pause
Life lesson: When a curve ball comes your way that seems like it’s going to knock you off track, you can press pause. You don’t have to stop your project altogether.
“And if you do pause on something don't be discouraged.” Kim White
Don't just let go of your project if it's something you really know will make an impact. If you really want it, don't let any of these wild things stop you. Persevere within the pause.
Be flexible. Remind yourself that the project might just take you longer, or you might have to do it in a slightly different way. And be okay with that.
And very importantly: do a little self assessment of the season you are in
When you set a huge expectation at the wrong time, your season of life might not allow it. It’s not that you as an individual aren’t committed or capable. The challenges of life and business just get in the way and projects need to be put on pause.
No matter what season you're in, be okay with putting a project on pause if you get some curveballs or even one curve ball. And take your time in the pause, to really figure out the curve ball properly.
“It might be haunting you because it's been on pause for so long. But get through what you need to get through before you pick it up again.” Kerry Zarb
The Power Of Friendship
“ It always feels like you're the only one that has trouble doing whatever it is.” Kim White
But the good news is that you're not the only one. Knowing that you’re part of a community of entrepreneurs experiencing the same challenges makes a huge difference when you’re building your own business.
But let’s take it one step further. As entrepreneurs, it’s also really important to connect with other entrepreneurs as friends.
“Go and download all of this to someone.” Kerry Zarb
Finding someone to download to is a crucial part of dealing with the curve balls. They can help you build resilience by getting yourself out of your head, or sharing an alternative solution to the problem. They can simply let you vent, or help you to laugh it all off.
Whether it’s a tornado, a tax audit, or a medical emergency, it always helps to have someone you can call and say. “Do you know what happened now?!”
When you have a biz bestie, a buddy on your entrepreneurial journey, you can encourage each other to persevere through the challenges and make it to the other side. And you might even have some funny stories to look back on.
When you start an adventure, you don't always know what to expect. You can't predict what curve balls are coming.
But imagine if you did know which curve balls were coming. You might never start.
So don’t live in fear of the curve balls. Keep going, then pause for a bit and keep going. Because it does get crazy like that. Don't let it stop you and don't feel like you're in it alone.
"If we had stopped every time a hard thing came up, we would not have made it to here: the sweet spot." Kim White
Our Groundwork Brigade is the perfect place to be reminded that you aren’t alone, and to start building those entrepreneurial relationships that help you make it through those crazy curve balls.
It’s a community of entrepreneurs learning how to build a relational business using irresistible marketing strategies, tailored around your individual needs, in a group setting, with lots of accountability and support.
If you missed the conversation between Kim and Kerry on their podcast Buckets and Boom Gates, you can catch it here.
To connect and find out more about Kim or how to create a sexy business for a sexy life, you can reach her and the My Sexy Business Team at
And to connect with Kerry Zarb go straight to her website and you’ll find her there!