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How to Listen Better So That Your Business Benefits and Succeeds

May 16, 2022

How to Listen Better So That Your Business Benefits and Succeeds. 

The sound of keys clicking on keyboards.
The sound of team agenda notes printing.
The sound of coffee being poured to the brim. 
Does this all SOUND a little too familiar? 
We strive as hard as we can to drown out the noise that distracts us from meeting our goals and deadlines. It becomes second nature to get in the “zone” and ignore the voices around us that aren’t helping us achieve the very next thing on our to-do list. 
Does this habit stop with you or do you continue with it when it comes to your clients, colleagues and collaborators? You hear them but you’re not really LISTENING to them. 
LISTENING is crucial for the growth and success of your business and one of the most important skills that you can have as an entrepreneur. 
Listening enables you to acquire facts and acquiring facts enables you to make the best decisions that will benefit and grow your business. 
So if success and growth are important for you in your business then there are 4 people you need to be listening to.
Here they are: 

LISTENING to your CLIENTS is about connecting with them

Here are 3 basic facts you need to know about clients in any business:
  • Without clients, your business is unable to operate. 
  • Your clients are humans too and have a desire to be listened to and understood. 
  • Your clients know what they want. 
When clients feel appreciated and listened to, you instantly create a connection that makes your clients trust the solution that you are offering to them.
This kind of trust can create a life-long loyal client. 
This kind of trust can create a brand ambassador. 
49% of clients who have had a positive client experience (been listened to) said they would share it on social media or post a positive review online. This kind of publicity can help your business to grow and succeed. 
As you can see, clients are crucial to the growth and success of your business. So LISTEN to them.

LISTENING to your TEAM is about caring for them 

Did you know that listening to your employees begins before they even become employees?
You start by listening during the interview process.
If you want your business to be a growing, successful one, you need to have a hard-working, trustworthy team. You can only acquire such a team if you've carefully selected them by actively listening during the selection process.  
Listening during an interview can help you: 
  • Pick up on their attitude towards work and life
  • Know their performance in previous jobs 
  • Notice something not mentioned in their resume
  • Decide whether they are a good fit for your business
  • Make an informed decision whether they will contribute to the success and growth of your business.
Listening, however, does NOT stop in the interview room. You need to keep listening to your employees in the workplace. In this way, you build their trust and become familiar with their strengths and weaknesses.  
Now you can build a business with a group of employees who are living out their strengths, feeling valued in their position and being committed to your business. 
With a strong, committed team like that, you can be guaranteed that you will see your business growing and succeeding every day! 

LISTENING to your COMPETITION is about creating a product that works for your client. 

In a world where clients are surrounded by SO many options, how do you make your business stand out?
You listen to what your competition is doing and learn how you do it BETTER than you were. 
If you’re going to be on par with your competition, how are you going to grow? You want to learn how to do better than you were before and therefore you need to do something different.
So LISTEN to know who your competition is and why they are your competition so that you can know how to do better. 

LISTEN to your COLLABORATORS so that you can keep collaborating with them

Your business must work well with and establish good, lasting relationships with other businesses. You want a good reputation in the business world and you want other businesses to want to collaborate with you and refer clients to you. 
How do you achieve this? 
By listening to them, of course. 
The only way to collaborate correctly with another business is to actively listen and care about what they have to say. You can’t start working together until you’re listening to one another. 
So be the business that listens and that other businesses dream to work with!
To sum it all up, you need to be listening to your:
  • Your Clients - They will eventually become the brand ambassadors for your business
  • Your Team - They will create the bond your business needs to succeed 
  • Your Competition - They will help you better your product and learn from your competitors
  • Your Collaborators - They will help you create the reputation you will need to succeed
So, put your phone away, open up some calendar space, and start listening to the people who will help your business grow and succeed. You won’t regret it! 
Did you know that in your business it’s important to listen to YOU too? We want to help you do just that. We want to help you realize your goals and crush them! And we’ve designed a course that helps you do just that! For more details click here.