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Slow Down Before You Swipe (5 Questions To Ask Before Buying A New Tech Toy For Your Business)

business growth entrepreneurs office gadgets productivity technology Sep 23, 2024
New office gadgets with text: Slow Down Before You SwipeĀ  (5 Questions To Ask Before Buying A New Tech Toy For Your Business)
Technology like new apps and office gadgets are amazing tools for entrepreneurs. They can help solve pain points, increase productivity, and grow your business! 
But have you slowed down enough to figure out if your business actually needs them?
“Tech toys are amazing when they help you do something and solve a pain point. But I have a push back - when they're distracting us or we buy them but don't actually need them.” 
Kim White
As a money-savvy entrepreneur, the last thing you want to do is waste money on things you don’t need. 
So here are 5 questions to ask yourself before you swipe your credit card on that shiny new office gadget, miracle app, or tech toy.

Question 1: Are you looking for a quick fix? 

Buying new office gadgets is a trap entrepreneurs can easily fall into. 
The entrepreneur's life moves at a fast pace! You’re always trying to be as productive as possible. And to overcome those business hurdles as quickly as possible. 
It’s tempting to go for the quick fix. But the answer isn’t always in buying new tech toys.
Have you ever been sucked in by the marketing of a new app and the promises it makes of solving your biggest problems or helping you achieve your biggest goal? You swiped your card and bought the new gadget only to realize you jumped the gun because it didn’t end up doing exactly what you thought it would?
Join the club. 
But even if you’re lucky and it does do the thing you want it to do, the “fix” probably wasn’t “quick.”  
“You have to actually learn the things after the toy arrives.” Kerry Zarb
Tech toys are an investment of time and money. And implementing new technology into your business in the right way is the opposite of a “quick fix.” There can be a high time cost to learning how to use them. 
So do you really need it? Slow down enough to assess the money-cost, and the time-cost.  
You need to be careful when making any kind of investments, so make wise choices when buying new office gadgets and tech toys for your business.

Question 2: Does it look like the grass is greener on the other side? 

“The grass is usually greener on the other side because it's over the septic tank!” Kim White
Sometimes you already have a tech tool or office gadget that is operating so well in your business.  But then some new technology comes along that’s full of promises for a motivated entrepreneur like you.
“You’ll be more productive! Your business will grow!”
So you peak over the fence and wonder if it could be better. 
But when it comes to buying new office gadgets and tech tools, you can trust this age-old wisdom: “If it ain’t broke you don't need to fix it!”
So put that credit card away until your business has an actual problem that needs solving. 

Question 3: Is your business suffering from "Operator Error"?

What is Operator Error? 
Sometimes you can be the bottleneck or the one causing the pain points in your business. Yes, you read that correctly. 
Entrepreneurs are super special, but you’re still human. And there will always be some things that aren’t your strengths.  
“We don't want to think about it as us being the problem. It must be the task or the thing! It can’t be us!" - Kerry Zarb
So you might need to delegate something. Or you might need some training. 
You need to slow down and check out all the parts of the problem before rushing to solve it with a new app, gadget, or tech toy.
This is a tough question for any entrepreneur. But if you slow down and get honest, you can avoid a whole lot of unnecessary spending on new technology that won’t solve the problem anyway. 

Question 4: Are you avoiding doing something hard? 

Entrepreneurship can be hard.
People-ing can be hard. 
Getting out of your comfort zone can be hard.
Doing all the admin things can be hard. 
There will always be things you are naturally good at in your business, and things that are truly a struggle. But they still need to be done. 
“We do a lot of avoiding when we don't want to do something.” Kim White
And the temptation is to avoid the hard things by buying a new gadget, app or tech toy. It can even be more fun to learn how to use a new platform instead of doing the work you were supposed to do in the first place. 
So before you swipe that card on your next gadget or app, find a way to fix your “want to” when it comes to the hard things in your business. 

Question 5: Have you caught the "I wants" disease?

Has someone else told you about a new tech toy and suddenly you think you need it? 
“It’s contagious! As soon as someone speaks about it and how great it is, the FOMO kicks in.” Kerry Zarb 
Even when your biz besties are recommending new gadgets and apps you have to be careful, because they don’t have the same business as you, and their challenges are probably different to yours. 
Why are they using it?
Will this solve a real pain point?
Will it suit your business?
If you’re looking at a new app and just thinking “ooh, that would be fun to try out,” then put away the credit card. It’s probably just a case of the “I wants” disease. 
But if something in your business is becoming hard and needs a solution, then that’s a good indicator that you might need to try some new kind of technology to keep your business growing and thriving.
“You have to remember WHY you're using a tool.” Kim White
There is nothing wrong with getting tech toys. If you know it makes sense for your business and that you will need to take the time to learn it, then check it out. 
Really think about your business and how it works. Assess the toys you should have and think about the learning curves that come with the extra tech toys that you take on.
Our Groundwork Brigade is the perfect place to ask all these kinds of questions about the nitty gritty of growing a business with a community of entrepreneurs on the business adventure.
It’s a safe space to learn how to build a relational business using irresistible marketing strategies, tailored to your individual needs, in a group setting, with lots of accountability and support.
If you missed the conversation between Kim and Kerry on their podcast Buckets and Boom Gates, you can catch it here. 
To connect and find out more about Kim or how to create a sexy business for a sexy life, you can reach her and the My Sexy Business Team at 
And to connect with Kerry Zarb go straight to her website and you’ll find her there!