The 3 Hidden Dangers of Self-Importance for a Growing Business
Nov 30, 2022
The 3 Hidden Dangers of Self-Importance for a Growing Business
Are you confident or arrogant?
Your personality is a huge part of your brand. So have you thought about how your attitude is representing your business?
And what exactly are you modeling to your clients and your team? Is it self-confidence or self-importance?
If you’re wondering what the difference is, here is a short comparison.
“Self-Confidence isn’t walking into a room and thinking you’re better than everyone. It’s walking in and not having to compare yourself to anyone at all.”
Self-importance is placing yourself in the center of your world and believing that others should do the same. It is a selfish attitude where little respect and care is shown for those around you.
Which one are you?
Having self-confidence is great for the success and growth of your business. Being self-important, however, has many dangers that can lead to the demise of you and your business.
Let’s have a look at the hidden dangers of self-importance to ensure that we’re avoiding this attitude and choosing self-confidence instead.
Self-importance leads to an under-appreciation of others
When it’s all about you and you’re the center of your world, where do you find the time to notice and appreciate those around you?
You don’t.
Self-important people have family, friends, colleagues and clients that have played a significant role in their successes. But when it’s time to acknowledge and thank them, they take all the credit themselves.
An attitude of self-importance leads to an obsession with the sound of your own voice. We all have good ideas to share, but the problem is that we need to be able to hear ideas and wisdom from the people around us.
If you can’t hear what they’re saying, you end up missing out on opportunities to learn and grow. You hold yourself back from growing your business in creative ways. And you miss out on building relationships as you share in others' joy and pain.
Self-importance leads to a prejudicial behavior
A self-important person is a person who thinks they’re always right. They have ideas and opinions of those around them and once they’re formed, they are almost impossible to break.
They don't take the time to get to know those around them instead they group people and place labels on them.
This kind of prejudicial thinking can be very dangerous. Views and opinions can form that are hurtful and that prevent the individual from meeting and getting to know so many great individuals who could contribute greatly to the success of their life and business.

Self-importance prevents impact over the noise.
Because a self-important person loves the sound of their voice, they want to be heard by those around them.
And instead of listening to others, they get louder when they feel threatened by the voices of others. They think that speaking louder will make a greater impact when all it does is make a bigger noise.
No one is going to listen to someone that just wants to talk and not listen. Their impact will be lost, if not based on their loud talking, then because they refuse to listen and consider those around them.

It’s scary to think how an attitude of self-importance can sabotage everything you are building as an impact-driven entrepreneur.
So how can you avoid this attitude of self-importance?
Find out in our next blog: "5 Ways to Avoid Self-Importance to Help Your Business Grow and Succeed”
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