Top 5 Reasons Why Being Authentically You in Business Is Sexy
May 10, 2021
Top 5 Reasons Why Being Authentically You in Business Is Sexy
Have you ever felt like you can’t just be yourself or you can’t let anyone know who you really are because if you do... then no one will want to do business with you!?
Well I’m here to tell you that there is NOTHING SEXIER for your business than for you to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY and COMPLETELY YOU.
Being authentically YOU is something so rare in business these days. Everybody looks like the next guy with his black suit and black briefcase. Don’t get me wrong, it is the picture of professionalism, but it can also be boring, bland and inauthentic.
You need to make a decision in your life and in your business about who you are going to be. Are you going to let people know who you are, or are you going to hide behind a suit and a briefcase?
I can tell you that hiding who you are is NOT the way to go. I had to make this decision many years ago. I call it my ‘hotel room decision.’ I was involved in a male dominated industry. There were 249 men in my class, all in their black suits with their black briefcases. There was no real difference between them. They acted alike and sounded alike.
I knew first off that it didn’t matter if I wore a black suit or not. I wasn’t like them.
I was silly, I was ridiculous sometimes. I had crazy thoughts about how to do business differently. So I made a decision right then and there that I wasn’t going to be part of the boys club. I was a girl after all. I was going to embrace that and lead with that and I was going to be AUTHENTICALLY ME.
Let me give you 5 top reasons why authenticity matters SO much in business and in life and how being authentically you impacts your business:
Authenticity builds confidence. When you’re not being you, it’s hard to be confident. Being the REAL YOU impacts your confidence and the way that people perceive and understand you. Being confident in who you are and what you have to offer is important if you want clients to keep coming back for more.
Authenticity breeds excellence. Authenticity matters because it creates a confident, self assured human who excels in what they do because they believe they can.
Authenticity attracts the right clients. It helps you draw the right people to you and your business. You want to be doing business with people who GET you and who understand and want more of you and what you have to offer.
Authenticity builds trust. And conversely not being authentic creates mistrust. If you aren’t being authentic, you’re being dishonest. It’s a major turnoff in business. People can tell right away if you aren’t being honest and they won’t want to keep doing business with you. Dishonesty spreads and soon you may not have the kind of name you want in business.
Authenticity builds your flavor. Creating an accurate ‘flavor’ for you and your business will come easily when staying true to who you really are. This in turn will help you to attract the right kind of people and build the sexy business of your dreams.
So I challenge you to put on your pink silk suit in this “black suit, black briefcase world” and take a stand, being confidently, unapologetically YOU. You will get some slack and you may have to deal with some problems but believe me, you won’t have any regrets.
If you first need to come clean with yourself, then spend time thinking, journaling, doing whatever it is you need to do to answer the question: Who are you?
And once you’re clear on YOU, then don’t be tempted to hide behind a suit, briefcase or any other look-alike mask ever again. Let the people who do business with you know who you are. Share your flavor with the world. And be authentically LOUD and PROUD about it.
At the My Sexy Business Team, we are all about authenticity - the good, the bad and the messy. Which is why we do a Messy Monday Live on our My Sexy Business Facebook Page every week. So if you want to get a glimpse of our authenticity, please join us as Kim shares her real-life experiences to help you embrace authenticity in building a Sexy Business for a Sexy Life.