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Episode #68

In Entrepreneur Land Kim & Denise talked about The Power of Messaging
During Princess Speak, Kim & Denise discussed Message Board-ing
  • Here's what our Roving Reporters covered in this week's show:
    • From The GME Newsdesk, Jill Olish provided an update on the Amazing Things this community is getting done, collectively together
    • This week's Military Minute focused on What Keeps You Going When It Gets Hard
    • Donna Bender sparked ideas on how you can Celebrate Your Clients and Employees on Summer Holidays
    • Linda Bonney discussed Driving Action in Conversations
    • From the Virtual Cafe, Kerry Zarb, aka The Money Barista, discussed Using The Right Tool
    • Our Findability Queen, Denise Millet shared How Podcasters Can Control Whether You Can Be Found
    • Yvonne Marchese talked about Transitioning from Corporate - Charting Your Course
    • The Freakin' Fabulous Cat Corchado demonstrated Upper Body Stretch to Help Open the Chest and Back
    • Jill Olish talked about Designated Space For Work Is One Less Decision In My Day
    • Adam Rothenberg shared a Behind-The-Curtain story about What Was Going Through His Head During His Interview with California Dreams Actor Brentley Gore