Episode #95
In Entrepreneur Land, Kim & Cat discussed Lean & Mean
During Princess Speak, Kim, Cat, Denise, Jill & Adam talked about 'Valentimey'
- Here's what our Roving Reporters covered in this week's show:
- From the GME News Desk, Jill Olish provided an update on the Amazing Things this community is getting done, collectively together
- This week's Military Minute focused on Military Experience That Helps as a Business Owner
- Donna Bender celebrated Valentine's Day
- Our Findability Queen, Denise Millet shared insight on Does Formatting Content Pieces in a Special Way on a Web Page Matter to a Search Engine?
- We answered this entrepreneurial question: What does it mean to love on your clients
- The Freakin' Fabulous Cat Corchado discussed Why Workout Virtually?
- Yvonne Marchese talked about Flexibility and Playfulness
- Jill Olish asked What is so Special About Self-Care?
- Adam Rothenberg shared how Actress Suzanne Somers influenced his entrepreneurial journey