Episode #98
In Entrepreneur Land, Kim, Jill & Adam discussed Preparation & People-ing
During Princess Speak, Kim, Jill & Adam talked about Locked & Loaded
- Here's what our Roving Reporters covered in this week's show:
- From the GME News Desk, Jill Olish provided an update on the Amazing Things this community is getting done, collectively together
- This week's Military Minute focused on What Are You Passionate About, That is Your Secret Sauce
- Donna Bender pondered To Brand or Not To Brand
- Our Findability Queen, Denise Millet shared insight on SEO, What Is It?
- We answered this entrepreneurial question: How can I get more clients for my business?
- The Freakin' Fabulous Cat Corchado share her thoughts on Determining If You Can Workout or Not
- Yvonne Marchese talked about The Wisdom Economy
- Jill Olish asked Does self care ever feel like a chore?
- Adam Rothenberg shared how in his interview with Suzanne Somers he had to Be Flexible and Pivot