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Who's Your Entrepreneurial Supporter? 


2023 | Season 1 | Episode 34
Welcome to the BBG Studio with your hosts Kerry Zarb and Kim White as we discuss the different types of entrepreneurial partners for our businesses.

Having someone else to sound board with can make all the difference in knowing what ideas are viable, which ones are for later, and the ones that go with what you are already doing.


This week's discussion includes partners, sound boards, brainstorm sessions, and...

  • different kinds of partners
  • what sound boarding is and is not
  • unpacking the ideas that need to be actionable
  • white boards, fridge doors, & mirrors
  • getting to the good ideas by getting it all out
  • why we discount or disqualify our ideas
  • entrepreneurs are wired differently

Being able to verbally process the ideas that are coming to us, actually saying them out loud, and then unpacking each of those ideas is a powerful exercise.


Don't let fear of looking stupid hold you back. Find those beautiful thoughts that you should be doing things toward, and get moving. There are people waiting for you to show up to solve their problem.


Cheers to being their solution, their partner, and their supporter!

Kerry & Kim


We would love to invite you to our monthly Open House for Groundwork Brigade Mastermind held online on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:30am Central and on the Thursday at 4:30am Central. Check it out 

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